In 2019 you'll find more than 500 Drupal themes on Envato Market / ThemeForest. Most of them are nicely presented and look great in the provided demo. Hence it is sometimes not so easy to identify the right theme. This article provides you some tips how you can select the best Drupal themes on Envato Market / ThemeForest. What we mean by the term "best" you can find here.
To find the right theme regarding design and functionality can of course not universally be determined. So we assume you have done this work already and you have now a choice of themes from whom you want to make a selection. Of course it makes sense to keep the following criterias in mind when searching because you most probably can single-out many themes right away by considering them.
1. Check the rating of the theme
The rating of the Drupal theme is already a quite good indication, because it reflects the experience of the people who worked with the theme. Doing so we certainly have to consider that negative experiences might also be the result of a lack of Drupal knowledge, what often leads to frustration and hence to a low rating. This is especially valid if the number of ratings is low. To have a useful indication there should be at least around 10 ratings. If you have more than 50 ratings, you certainly have a very good indication. The best rated Drupal themes achieve ratings above 4.75 with hundreds of sales and a statistically reliable amount of ratings.
2. Check the rating of the author
This can also serve as a compensation of criteria 1. if there are not enough ratings, but it is certainly much more than that. If the author has a very good rating over all the themes he produced, then this is a very good indication that speaks for the quality his work in general and hence gives a very strong positive signal for the particular theme in question. The best Drupal theme developers on Themeforest have a rating around 4.75 from hundreds of feedbacks and thousands of sales.
3. Check the comments
Checking the comments can not only give you a great insight regarding quality, but also provide valuable information how well a theme is supported. This is certainly absolutely key, if you encounter problems or would like to have a small modification. Here you can see what particular problems the buyers had in the past and how they were resolved. If you are a Drupal expert, you can easily distinguish between problems caused by a lack of knowledge and the ones caused by poor programming.
4. Consider the full range of factors
A good theme is not only about design and technical quality, but also about customisation, administration and online marketing. A great theme is easy to customize & administer and is built with all aspects of online marketing in mind. Hence it certainly makes sense to consider such factors when you buy a theme. This is not an easy task, if you don't have the Drupal theme at hand, but you certainly find strong indicators within the theme description and on the theme demo site.
Last but not least you can also have a look at our theme section, where we frequently add great themes from Themeforest and other suppliers. This brings us to a final important comment: Although Themeforest is a dominant source of paid Drupal themes, there are lots of great Drupal developers out there that do not list their themes there (for example More Than Themes).

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