Creating content types and content can use-up lots of your time and energy. Our experience has shown that there are three key modules, which allow you to speed up this process drastically. These modules are particularly valuable for the creation of mock-ups with demo content.
Bundle copy: The branch 7.x-2.x-dev allows you to clone content types
Node clone: Allows you to clone nodes
Node convert: Allows you to convert a node from one content type to another
A typical situation where the combination of these modules unfold some magic: You have a content type with some demo content displayed as different views. You need to create another very similar content type with demo content to be displayed with the same views. Rather than to spend lots of time for the definition of a new content type, the adding of demo content and the creation of views, you can very quickly reach the desired result by combining these modules. With bundle copy you instantly create the desired content type and with node clone and node convert you very quickly generate the required demo content. Now you only have to modify the content type and to clone and adapt the views. In around 5 min you’re done!

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