Occasionally it might happen that you get an error message or even a fatal error after updating/installing a module or theme. If so, try to undo the recent changes first.
If you updated/installed a module and you still can access the module site with the link below, I advise you to disable the module and to see whether the problem still occurs.
Alternatively you can delete the module files from the modules directory (usually sites/all/modules) and verify whether this solves the problem. If you updated/installed a theme you can proceed in a similar way. If you still can access the theme site with the link below, you can try to change to another theme and see whether this solves the problem.
After you succeeded to restore your website to a stable state, you can visit the module or theme page on the Drupal website. There you might find some information about your problem within the Issues. There you can also add a new issue and describe your problem.
Alternatively you can apply one of the following strategies:

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