ibmysqlclient driver 3.1.20 is less than minimum required

On certain hosting environments you might get the following error when upgrading your Drupal installation for example to 9.4.5:
On certain hosting environments you might get the following error when upgrading your Drupal installation for example to 9.4.5:
Data export Drupal 8 and data import Drupal 9: The migration from Drupal 8 to 9 is often a disaster. A fresh install & data migration has many advantages too.
In Drupal version 8.8.0, the permissions for sites/default are set to unwriteable, but Composer needs to write to it. The issue can be resolved by fixing the permissions manually.
If you get "Entity/field definitions Mismatch detected Mismatched entity and/or field definitions." you have to fix this issue before running updates.
"The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later." Drupal 8 after the installation/uninstallation of a module, when you login or in general.
This howto gives you a very effective guide how to troubleshoot a white screen of death occurring after the Drupal admin login.
As per default, you can't translate the Drupal commerce checkout pane titles "Billing information" + "Shipping information" with the translation interface.
The Google Maps API allow for the embedding of Google Maps onto web pages of outside developers, using a simple JavaScript interface or a Flash int
PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table (...) .image_dimensions' doesn't exist (...) /media/file_entity/file_entity.module).
This article shows you how to remove the line-breaking paragraph tag p from tokens printed within node fields (2 scenarios).