"From address" doesn't work in Forward Module. How to solve the issue?

If the "From address" is left blank the site address is used instead of the address entered in the form.
If the "From address" is left blank the site address is used instead of the address entered in the form.
This howto shows you how to disable the breadcrumb completely or for individual pages.
Step-by-step instructions how to use an alternative file for CSS modifications (avoiding overwriting with updates).
The more link can only show it there is a page the link can point to. Solution: Define a page.
The Views Slideshow i.e. the Slide/Picture of Views Slidehow is hiding the menu (Dropdown, Nice Menu, Superfish, etc.). Quick Fix for the Problem.
Step-by-step instructions how to solve the CSS conflict between the Marinelli theme and the Gallery Formatter module.
Step-by-step instructions how to choose, download and install a theme in Drupal 7.
Occasionally a site user or developer will navigate to a page and suddenly the page content disappears, and it becomes blank. No content.
Step-by-step instructions how to increase the upload size in your php.ini or .htaccess file.
Step-by-step instructions how to enable the Superfish menu within the Danland theme or Danblog subtheme (Drupal 7).